Do You Almond Butter?!


In honor of back to school week I decided we could “home school” today for fun! We live in Sacramento, and if you’ve been watching the news or live in surrounding areas you know the skies have been cloudy and grey from the smoke of the wildfires up north. The air quality has been terrible as well, so when I woke up this morning and noticed the beautiful blue skies, I wanted us to be outside! So back to school means bagged lunches! I decided to make some AB & J’s today, you know Almond Butter & Jelly sandwiches. I never knew as a child how much I would appreciate this quick and easy lunch option, but let me tell you, it’s great haha! We love almond butter in my house, and I was excited to be able to sample this brand I’ve never tried before by Lindsay. The first thing I noticed that was different with Lindsay’s Almond Butter was how smooth and easy to spread it is verses other brands I’ve tried.


One thing I love about driving down Interstate 5 in the Spring is seeing all the almond blossoms. Lindsay’s is made with 100% California almonds with a touch of honey. There are no hydrogenated oil, cane sugar, preservatives, or gluten (still not really sure what gluten is lol). Lindsay’s is available in Classic Creamy, Classic Crunchy, and Honey Cinnamon. I’m a crunchy girl, my twins love the Honey Cinnamon, and the two Dons are Classic Creamy guys.


Almond butter contains a higher amount of magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, and calcium than peanut butter. It’s also a good source vitamin E and fiber, which makes it a win win food option for moms because what kid doesn’t like AB & J! I personally love to pair mine with some Granny Smith apples. Also if you’ve gone Keto, almond butter is the perfect substitute for you peanut butter lovers!

Learn more about Lindsay’s Almond Butter, where to buy, and other products they produce on their website.


**This blog contains sponsored content. Every post is my own honest opinion regardless of compensation. In collaboration with Moms Meet.
