Breakfast Fun With DRUMSTICK® Cereals!

NEW Drumstick cereal

This post is sponsored by General Mills. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Ok moms, it’s summertime which means ice cream for breakfast right?! Just kidding, but what about the next best thing? NEW Drumstick cereals ice cream inspired breakfast cereal is just that!!! I don’t know about you, but I grew up eating drumsticks, and now my boys enjoy them as a yummy cereal. Since ice cream isn’t exactly the best breakfast option, I couldn’t have been more excited to learn about General Mills newest creation...Drumstick cereal!

NEW Drumstick cereal
NEW Drumstick cereal

Being a mom of three young boys, I need options, options, and OPTIONS when it comes to breakfast, well all meals for that matter, but we’re focusing on breakfast right now lol. NEW Drumstick cereal is the perfect way to make breakfast fun again! So what exactly is this ice cream inspired cereal?! It’s made up of cone cereal pieces, cocoa nuggets, AND ice cream flavored scoops. Not only is it delicious, but my boys have fun playing and picking out their favorite pieces of the cereal. I personally like to have a few pieces of each in every bite for the whole experience. The little ice cream scoop pieces kind of remind me of astronaut ice cream. Have you tried astronaut ice cream before? They melt in your "ice cream" get it? Haha. Flavors are not overly sweet like you would think, and since we’re a dry cereal house, no milk (Yes! Don’t judge us lol), my kids like to pick out and trade their favorite cereal pieces. We put them into little piles and practice our counting too!

NEW Drumstick cereal

Drumstick cereals come in classic vanilla (my favorite) and mint chocolate (the boys’ favorite). They’re available in-store and online at Walmart which I love because online grocery shopping is my new favorite thing. So if you don’t live close to a Walmart, they’ll deliver right to your front door! Now you can enjoy your favorite craving of American classic ice cream right in your cereal bowl! Mix up your cereal routine this summer with this fun option!

NEW Drumstick cereal
NEW Drumstick cereal